Monday, February 7, 2011

Why not a metered Internet?

| iStockphotoMore than half of Canadians were surveyed last summer on their thoughts of Internet plans being unlimited – a veritable buffet of bandwidth, with all the high-definition video streaming and file-transferring they could consume.They were completely wrong. More than 90 per cent of the country’s plans are finite, with set limits and stinging charges for going over. The vast majority of people in that poll by Solutions Research Group had never even heard of the concept of paying for Internet based on how much they used. Many Internet providers in the world charge monthly fee's including a certain limit of material downloaded each month, and if that limit is exceeded there shall be an extra charge. The average amount of data downloaded per Canadian each month is approximately 15.4 gigabytes, which is equal to about 10 full films. This has slowly become a concern for many Canadians, also it allows the Internet Providers to take advantage of this opportunity by charging Internet users by the amount of information downloaded/used per month. Thus eliminating monthly rates and creating rates per Internet usage. This could cause many problems.

My Opinion

Personally, I feel as if the Internet is taking advantage of their consumers, there is no need for Internet providers to charge additional fees exceeding monthly fees and having rates per usage. Also i feel as if they are being very secretive because 90% of the customers had no clue about additional fees per exceeding usage. This can cause many terrible things in the world if Internet providers were to start charging rates per usage and personally I would be extremely frustrated if I was a consumer in that situation. Also this opens the market for a new Internet provider to not charge fee's per usage which will make the consumers happy. Overall I feel that the Internet should be sustained at a monthly fee and if they change this many customers throughout the world will probably switch providers.

1 comment:

  1. I agree but at the same time disagree with your opinion but what if we payed for the internet by a yearly fee, no download limit, no confusion just a 1 year payment for your home internet. People these days want everything to be connected to the internet: phones, gaming consoles and now even TVs so the downloading limit seems like a scam these companies are using. At the same time unlimited downloading would definitely increase the piracy rate which would mean more Canadian cyber-crime stoppers watching what criminals are doing on the web which may mean more jobs and help the economy. Maybe the download limit is a bigger issue than it seems. People would not be getting as much physical activity if they could spend all day watching movies and being on the web which could increase Canada's obesity and disease/heart attack rate which would mean more taxpayer dollars would be given to the lazy people of our country who are seeking medical attention, this could be part of the debate of how our government spends the taxes that us hard-working Canadians are obliged to pay. This is a issue that effects many fields of our economy and finance as well as technology and health and I am over-qualified to continue discussion. Excellent blog William! You stay classy San Diego
