Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Team Six

Team Six is the group of the super-secret SEALs who killed bin Laden. They are top secret, tough guys who won't even admit they exist. But the exploits of the men in the U.S. Navy SEALs' Team Six — the Naval Special Warfare Development Group — made headlines around the world after they dropped out of the sky into a fortified compound in Pakistan and fatally shot Osama bin Laden in the head.
About two dozen SEALs from the elite military counterterrorism unit wearing night-vision goggles stormed the compound and left about three-quarters of an hour later with bin Laden's body. Their names may never be revealed.
"A lot of these missions — a majority of these missions — are ones that the public will never know about … and that's a good thing," SEAL spokesman Capt. Duncan Smith told ABC News.
Technically, Team Six doesn't exist. Its highly trained members are so-called black operatives who work outside military protocol on top-secret missions and often act outside the boundaries of international law, according to a report on the Business Insider website.

My Opion:

First and foremost I believe that the group who killed Osama should be charished in its own way, not praised but saluted. The group is oviouslly the best of its kind and as stated above they are to not be reveled, "like the group doesn't even exist" I believe that this team is one of the most importantly skilled group of SEALs in the world. I think that its right how they don't reveal any of the members or information to the public because it keeps us safe in the sense that we shouldn't the bad that happends in the world and how it plays out. As far as the play out of the operation I believe it was the highest quality mission and excelled. On a side note, regardless of the fact that Bin Ladin killed all of the citizens it doesn't mean they should go and just kill him it sets a poor example in the world as it has been all over the new lately.

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